Die Fruchtvielfalt der Kanarischen Inseln: Ein Paradies für Genießer

The variety of fruits on the Canary Islands: a paradise for connoisseurs

The Canary Islands are not only a dream destination for sun worshipers and nature lovers, but also a paradise for fans of exotic fruits. Thanks to its unique climate, the archipelago in the Atlantic offers a variety of fruits that cannot be grown in this quality anywhere else in Europe. Let's go on a culinary journey and discover the local delicacies of each island.

1. Plátano de Canarias - The bananas of La Palma and Tenerife

The most famous fruit of the Canary Islands is the "Platano de Canarias", a smaller and sweeter version of the bananas that we usually find in supermarkets. Mainly grown on La Palma and Tenerife, these bananas enjoy a long-lasting harvest season thanks to the mild climate all year round. However, the best time to grab the freshest bananas is from April to October, when the fruit is at its sweetest.

2. Papaya - The gentle sweetness of Gran Canaria

The papaya, with its soft, buttery flesh and sweet, mild taste, thrives particularly well on Gran Canaria. This tropical fruit is mostly harvested in the summer months, with the peak season being between June and September. Whether pure, in a smoothie or as part of an exotic salad, papaya is a must for every visitor.

3. Mango - The aromatic seduction of La Gomera

On La Gomera you can find mangos that are hard to beat in terms of aroma and sweetness. The mango harvest typically begins in late summer and often extends into November. A walk through the mango plantations during the harvest season is an unforgettable experience.

4. Mocán - The hidden delicacy of El Hierro

El Hierro offers Mocán, a fruit that is hardly known outside the islands. This small, berry-like fruit is traditionally harvested in May and is known for its sweet, slightly tart taste. Locals enjoy the Mocán fresh or use it to make jams and other sweets.

5. Almogrote - The spicy spread from Gomera

Although almogrote is not technically a fruit, this savory spread made from ripe tomatoes, garlic, oil, vinegar and hard goat cheese is an essential part of Canarian gastronomy. Harvesting and preparation take place all year round and offer a tasty accompaniment to the island's fresh fruits.

6. Carambola - The Star of Lanzarote

The star-shaped carambola or star fruit is another specialty found in Lanzarote. Their main harvest time falls between September and December. Its fresh, watery taste with hints of apple and citrus is particularly refreshing on hot days.

The Canarian fruits not only offer a variety of taste experiences, but are also an integral part of the local culture and economy. The islands are proud of their agricultural products, and a visit to one of the many farmers' markets or plantations is the perfect opportunity to experience the Canary Islands' fruit treasures up close. Whether as a juicy snack between meals or as part of a delicious dish, the fruits of the Canary Islands are a real treat for the palate.

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