Hochseeangeln auf den Kanarischen Inseln: Ein Paradies für Angler und Abenteurer

Deep sea fishing in the Canary Islands: A paradise for anglers and adventurers

Dear fishing friends and adventurers,

have you ever thought about casting your fishing rod in the Canary Islands? If not, get inspired by today's blog post! The Canary Islands are not only known for their breathtaking landscapes and wonderful beaches, but also offer fantastic opportunities for deep sea fishing. Come with us on a journey through the crystal clear waters of the Canary Islands and discover which fish species and adventures await you there!

The Canary Islands are located in the Atlantic Ocean and benefit from a rich marine life. The warm sea currents and varied underwater landscape make the islands an ideal place for deep-sea fishing. Here are some of the main attractions of deep sea fishing in the Canary Islands:

  1. Diverse fish species The Canary Islands are home to an impressive variety of fish species. These include blue marlin, white marlin, giant barracuda, tuna, dorado (mahi-mahi), wahoo and various species of shark. Depending on the season, you can encounter different types of fish, which makes the fishing experience even more exciting and varied.

  2. Best Fishing Times and Locations The best time for deep sea fishing in the Canary Islands is from May to October, when water temperatures are at their warmest and most fish species are active. Popular fishing spots include off the coast of Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura. The southern and western coasts of the islands offer the best conditions for deep sea fishing.

  3. Charter Boats and Experienced Captains We work with safe charter boats and experienced captains who can accompany and assist you on your fishing trip. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned angler, these experts are on hand to provide advice and assistance to ensure you get the most out of your fishing trip.

  4. Sustainability and environmental protection It is particularly important to us to pay attention to sustainability and environmental protection. That is why we rely on licensed charter boats and captains who comply with the applicable laws and regulations. We practice "catch and release" when it comes to protected or threatened fish species in order to conserve biodiversity in these waters.

Big game fishing in the Canary Islands is a unique and exciting experience not to be missed. With a varied selection of fish species, beautiful fishing spots and experienced captains to accompany you on your fishing trip, this fishing paradise in the Atlantic offers unforgettable moments and exciting adventures.

In addition to deep-sea fishing, there are many other activities to discover on the Canary Islands, such as hiking, diving or exploring the unique volcanic landscapes. Plan your trip carefully and follow sustainable practices to preserve this beautiful archipelago and its marine life for future generations.

So pack your fishing rods and embark on an exciting journey into the world of deep sea fishing in the Canary Islands. You won't regret it and who knows, you might even catch the fish of your life! We wish you a lot of fun and Petri Heil!

Your Drayman Street team

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