Collection: paragliding

Soar with us into the world of paragliding! Our "Paragliding" category brings you closer to the freedom and incredible experience of free flight. Whether you're taking off for the first time or looking to develop your flying skills, we've got the perfect offer for you.

Experience the unparalleled joy and thrill of flying with our tandem flights. Under the guidance of an experienced pilot, you'll have the opportunity to experience the beauty of the landscape from a whole new perspective. Ideal for anyone who wants to get a glimpse into the world of paragliding without previous experience or training.

For those who feel called to take the controls themselves, we offer comprehensive paragliding pilot training. This course takes you through all the steps, from understanding the equipment and safety requirements to flying independently.

And if you're already a pilot and want to take your skills to the next level, we have something for you too. Our advanced courses offer you the opportunity to learn special techniques, improve your flying skills and deepen your understanding of flying.

Our "Paragliding" category is your gateway to the world of flying. Whether you are a beginner or already have experience, our courses and offers will help you take your flying experience to the next level. Come and experience the ultimate feeling of freedom with us!